Amazon suggestions

It ended up becoming a vest...

For my first knit item, it turned out quite nice! I coldn't wait to show it ot you, so I put it on to model it... good thing this things stretch! I now have to block it (I know, I should have done that prior to joining the pieces, but it was not doable where I was today (I finished the "sleeve" this afternoon") so I went for it and sewed it together... it still needs a little something... perhaps some ribbon going up the "lace" in the middle (it sounds funny to call that lace when the thread is so thick!)

Anyway... I am about to start another, more ambitious project. If it turns out well, I'll post it , and if it doesnt... well, my kids need another washcloth!


hester said...

Very impressive vest! You certainly are versatile. I haven't knitted anything since I was a child either.

I'm amazed that you had the same dog when you were little. I sort of dreading the first few months of whimpering at night and toilet training etc. We need a front fence so the dog will have to live inside for a while.

CT said...

LOL! it was so much fun! now I am working both on a scarf and trying out the "secret" project... super fun!


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