Amazon suggestions

make that three...

Ok, what started as a good day, then turned blue has now made yet another turn. I'm two breaths past an anxiety attack. That means I had the anxiety a bit ago and now I am in attack mode.

You see, I bought an embroidery machine, a Brother PE 700 II (yup, that one in the photo). Ok, that is not anxiety provoquing. Not even the fact that I'm gonna be VERY VERY pressed to make the bill payments with this new credit.

The thing is that I bought it with one thing in mind: take a leap and try to make money with stuff that I love to do. I already embroider by hand (and I am not too bad at it) but since a lot of people have asked to buy little things I make for my girls, and I don't have the time to do them, I decided to invest in that thingie and help myself.

If you are reading this blog, you already are in love with all things fabric, but, could you please help me out? I have some ideas, but I need more! more! more!!!!!!! (remember I told you I was in attack mode?)

So please, feel free to help a girl out.

1 comment:

hester said...

Hello there! I'm so sorry you are blue and also about your special wedding present dish. And I know about anxiety attacks too! I used to get them especially after the birth of my little daughter. It's hard to know what to do, but I used to think about scrapbooking and what colours/patterns etc I would do next to take my mind of the anxiety. I think scrapbooking is a bit like quilting - all the fun of design and creativity without the hard and expensive parts (like buying a machine!). I think maybe just keep making the things you love to make and people will keep wanting to buy them. Maybe even me! Hang in there. I love to have you visit me!


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