Amazon suggestions


Sometimes I stumble on blogs like these and am humbled. Please, take a stroll over there and check them out!

How about Orange: this designer has such talent!!!! Wait, it gets better: you can get your hands on a bag tutorial right from her website (and no, I am not posting a link. Go find it yourself!)

Melanie-pearl: check out her beautifull jewlery. And the glass work. And the leather work. This gal is Just.Too.Cool.

Knitting on impulse: St. Brigid. That's all I'm saying. Check it out. I was ready to weep.


SueR said...

Thanks for sharing those links, especially the one for the knitting. I'm a new knitter and need all the help I can get!

CT said...

:) anytime! a bunch of the blogs I follow are knitting-related... you should check out

That woman has creativity!
Thanks for dropping a line!


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