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YARN SWAP ALERT!!! and then some stuff

hello there! I have been neglecting to tell you about a really cool thing happening at Just Be Happy's!

There's a yarn swap being held, and it's still time to sign up for the swap! check out the details HERE.

Oh and the Phoenix shawl? it's a No Go. The yarn told me in no uncertain terms that it did NOT want to be a shawl, would not be subject to being converted into a shawl and would I please look up another project for it.

Hence, it is becoming a top. Don't you hate it when stuff get a mind of their own? altough I must say, it looks so much pretier now... I guess it was right in not letting me hook it into a shawl, as pretty as those turn out. Oh well!


Alhana said...

Tops are pretty too. Let the yarn choose its own destiny!

Just Be Happy said...

thank you for announcing the swap, that's really nice of you/


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