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Making bows...

Turns out I'm not too shabby with a needle and thread! Found out today that the girls needed ribbons in their hair for tomorrows celebrations - early for Nov. 20th, our Revolution anniversary. The girls will dance and dress like "rieleras" and "adelitas" . Not only ribbons, but their teachers wanted bows. Big ones. Christmas-present-big.

A "rielera" could be translated as "railroad woman". They followed their men and traveled in their train during the revolution. It wasn't unusual for them to follow them into battle carrying their ammunition, sometimes with a baby tightly wrapped in their rebozo (shawl). An "adelita", which comes from the name Adela, was similar, but the reference usually is for those who followed the officers - or were their sweethearts, almost always single women who traveled with the army to be safe, and that's how they ended up socializing with the officers, apart from the rest of the army.

Well, one day, when I'm feeling brave, I'll sing the songs related to these women and record them... And maybe one day, I'll post them here.

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